An improved direct torque controller applied to an electric vehicle


  • Miguel Durán University of Colima
  • Gerardo Guerrero National Center for Research and Technological Development
  • Jorge Gudiño University of Colima
  • Abraham Claudio National Center for Research and Technological Development
  • Janeth Alcalá University of Colima



electric drive, electric vehicle, improved direct torque control, induction motor, space vector modulation


This paper presents the basic structure, the model, and the design of a torque controller for an electric vehicle (EV). The proposed EV is the transformation of a conventional vehicle with internal combustion engine to electric vehicle, where the original traction system based on an internal combustion engine is replaced by an electric traction system. The controller is based on the technique of direct torque control (DTC) plus a term that compensates the ohmic drop in the stator windings of the induction motor (IM). In order to obtain a constant switching frequency, the space vector modulation (SVM) technique is used to generate the pulses of the inverter. In order to test the performance of the control proposed, numerical results are presented, which are compared with conventional DTC scheme.

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Author Biographies

Miguel Durán, University of Colima

Full-time Research Professor at the Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering (FIE).

Gerardo Guerrero, National Center for Research and Technological Development

Academic subdirector.

Jorge Gudiño, University of Colima

Director of the Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering.

Abraham Claudio, National Center for Research and Technological Development

Research professor.

Janeth Alcalá, University of Colima

Full-time Research Professor at the Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering (FIE).


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How to Cite

Durán, M. ., Guerrero, G., Gudiño, J., Claudio, A., & Alcalá, J. (2014). An improved direct torque controller applied to an electric vehicle. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (72), 217–228.