Automated design of customized implants


  • Vicente Chulvi Jaume I University
  • David Cebrian Tarrasón Jaume I University
  • Álex Sancho ASCAMM Foundation
  • Rosario Vidal Jaume I University



KBS, CAD, intelligent design, rapid prototyping, cranial implants


This paper presents a model capable of design a customized cranial implant directly from a medical imaging process, whose output will be a file in a manufacture system recognizable format.The proposed system has been created by linking two computer prototypes developed during the present research and studying the inner and outer related technologies. The core of the model is the KBS (Knowledge Based System) technology, able to store and manage medical data, as well as designer knowledge, in order to use this information in the implant design process. The aim of this project is to obtain a tool to improve the design process, the biocompatibility with patient and reduce final costs, which can be operated without necessity of wide knowledge from the user.

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Author Biographies

Vicente Chulvi, Jaume I University

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction.

David Cebrian Tarrasón, Jaume I University

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction.

Rosario Vidal, Jaume I University

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction.


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How to Cite

Chulvi, V., Cebrian Tarrasón, D., Sancho, Álex, & Vidal, R. (2013). Automated design of customized implants. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (68), 95–103.