New relation to improve the speed and torque characteristics of induction motors


  • Luis Antonio Mier-Quiroga Technological Institute of Toluca
  • Jorge Samuel Benítez-Read National Institute of Nuclear Research
  • Régulo López-Callejas National Institute of Nuclear Research
  • José Armando Segovia-de-los-Ríos National Institute of Nuclear Research



V - f relation, induction motor, speed response


Squirrel cage induction motors are employed in a wide variety of applications.  Operating at constant speed is required in some applications, whereas variation  of this parameter is required in others, as in the provision of mechanical energy  to electrical vehicles. The performance of an electric vehicle is specified by  the  characteristics  of  the  electric  motor.  The  adequate  relation  between  the   voltage  magnitude  and  the  frequency  of  its  power  source  makes  the  motor   satisfy the electric vehicle requirements. The voltage magnitude is a function  of  the  frequency  of  operation.  If  the   V  -  f   relation  is  adequate,  the  motor   speed  response  could  be  improved.  A  new   V  -  f   relation  that  improves  the   speed response of the single squirrel cage induction motor is presented and  is defined by a frequency factor. For motor speeds below the nominal value,  the torque capacity of the motor is preserved with the proposed relationship.

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Author Biographies

Luis Antonio Mier-Quiroga, Technological Institute of Toluca

Research Professor, Division of Electromechanical Engineering of the Technological Institute of Higher Studies.

Jorge Samuel Benítez-Read, National Institute of Nuclear Research

He is currently dedicated to the design, simulation and testing of control systems and algorithms for nuclear systems. Likewise, he has taught postgraduate courses since 1987 in the area of control theory.

Régulo López-Callejas, National Institute of Nuclear Research


José Armando Segovia-de-los-Ríos, National Institute of Nuclear Research

Postgraduate Studies and Research Division, Toluca Institute of Technology.


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How to Cite

Mier-Quiroga, L. A., Benítez-Read, J. S., López-Callejas, R., & Segovia-de-los-Ríos, J. A. (2015). New relation to improve the speed and torque characteristics of induction motors. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (74), 37–49.