Analysing the enhancement edges of the Bouguer gravity anomaly map using sunshading method (area of the Tangier-Tetuan, Morocco)


  • Saad Bakkali Earth Sciences Deparment
  • Mahacine Amrani Earth Sciences Deparment



gravedad, Bouguer, Tanger, filtración, sombreado


Sunshading is a powerful tool for the enhancement of edges in images. Given the azimuth and elevation of a source of illumination, it calculates the reflectance from a surface which is composed of the data to be interpreted. It is a standard tool used in the interpretation of geophysical potential field data. Aerial and terrestrial gravimetric surveys were carried out in the region of Tangier-Tetuan. From the observed and measured data of gravity Bouguer a gravity anomaly map was prepared. This paper reports the results and interpretations of the sunshaded maps of Bouguer gravity anomaly of the Tangier-Tetuan area using image processing. Filtering analysis based on classical image process. Operator image process, such as contrast enhancement, is used as well. This paper also presents the results obtained from this image processing analysis of the enhancement edges of the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Tangier-Tetuan zone.

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Author Biographies

Saad Bakkali, Earth Sciences Deparment

Faculty of Sciences and Techniques

Mahacine Amrani, Earth Sciences Deparment

Faculty of Sciences and Techniques


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How to Cite

Bakkali, S., & Amrani, M. (2014). Analysing the enhancement edges of the Bouguer gravity anomaly map using sunshading method (area of the Tangier-Tetuan, Morocco). Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (39), 69–78.