Contrast enhancement by searching discriminant color projections in dermoscopy images




contrast enhancement, color, projection PCA, projection FDA, dermoscopy images, components


The use of color as a strategy for enhancing the contrast is useful for conducting feature extraction procedures in images with high illumination disorders; hence, in order to correct contrast problems in images that were erroneously acquired, a method that automatically searches the discriminant projections of the color map depending on the original data dispersion is proposed. This method is based on techniques such as Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Because this is an unsupervised method, it can be used in images that were captured without taking into account the acquisition protocol and with non-uniform illumination. The method was tested using a set of 40 dermoscopy images, and a performance greater than 82% was obtained.

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Author Biographies

Elisabeth Restrepo-Parra, National University of Colombia

Electrical Engineer, MSc. in Physics and Dra. in Engineering. Professor of the Department of Physics and Chemistry.  PCM Computational Applications Group, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. 

Cristian Felipe Ocampo-Blandón, National University of Colombia

Electronic Engineer, MSc. in Engineering- Automatic line. PCM Computational Applications Group, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences.

Juan Carlos Riaño-Rojas, National University of Colombia

Mathematician, MSc in Mathematics, Dr. in Automatic Line Engineering. Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. PCM Computational Applications Group, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences.

Felipe Jaramillo-Ayerbe, University of Caldas

Doctor, specialist in dermatology. Telehealth Group, Faculty of Health Sciences.


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How to Cite

Restrepo-Parra, E., Ocampo-Blandón, C. F., Riaño-Rojas, J. C., & Jaramillo-Ayerbe, F. (2016). Contrast enhancement by searching discriminant color projections in dermoscopy images. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (79), 192–200.