Helping organizations to address their effort toward the implementation of improvements in their software process




process patterns, improvement effort, SMEs, improvement starting point, software process improvements


Due to the importance of Software Development Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the software industry, it is necessary to guarantee the quality of their products. In this context, the implementation of software process improvements offers an attractive way to achieve it. Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge on how to address the improvement effort makes the implementation of software improvements in SMEs a path full of obstacles, and most of the times impossible to achieve. In order to help SMEs addressing their improvement efforts, this paper aims to present a framework which allows addressing their improvement effort based on the identifi cation of their main problems. Moreover, the framework provides a starting point regarding the model, standard or agile methodology to be used as reference based on the SME current needs, features and work culture. Finally, a case study showing the implementation of the framework in four SMEs of Zacatecas region is included.

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Author Biographies

Mirna Ariadna Muñoz-Mata, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Associate Researcher C and professor at the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT), Zacatecas Unit.

Jezreel Mejia-Miranda, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Associate researcher C and professor at the Center for Research in Mathematics, A.C. (CIMAT), Zacatecas Unit.

Claudia Valtierra-Alvarado, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Center for Research in Mathematics A. C. (CIMAT). Zacatecas Unit.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Mata, M. A., Mejia-Miranda, J., & Valtierra-Alvarado, C. (2015). Helping organizations to address their effort toward the implementation of improvements in their software process. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (77), 115–126.