Horizontal vortex single chamber hydroturbine





vortex chamber, power, turbine design, renewable energy


A machine with high-form resistance was evaluated in order to extract energy from a creek, river or ocean stream, and generate electricity. Without appropriate instruments, research turned into qualitative. It was assumed that if it still worked, its behavior may improve softening its form. The device has a semi-convergent nozzle with flat walls, a cylindrical Vortex Chamber and a runner. It captures water through its largest section and downloads tangentially by its lower section into the Vortex Chamber. It has a hole in one of its sidewalls. This way, it forms a horizontal vortex that spins a rotor whose shaft drives an electric generator. The experimental work carried out showed that it is possible to generate electricity with this device despite the adverse conditions in which it was tested.

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Author Biographies

Sergio Antonio Zarate-Orrego, Valley University

Faculty of Engineering. Research assistant, Fluid Dynamics research group, School of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering (EIDENAR).

Gerardo Andrés Torres-Casierra, Valley University

Faculty of Engineering. Research assistant, Fluid Dynamics research group, School of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering (EIDENAR).

Efraín Baldemar del Risco-Moreno, Valley University

Faculty of Engineering. Associate professor of the EIDENAR School of Natural Resources and Environment. Director of the Fluid Dynamics Research Group. Head of the Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory.


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How to Cite

Zarate-Orrego, S. A., Torres-Casierra, G. A., & del Risco-Moreno, E. B. (2016). Horizontal vortex single chamber hydroturbine. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (79), 150–162. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.n79a14