Recycling rotating electrical machines




recycling, standards, rotating electrical machines, induction motors, synchronous machines


This paper establishes design principles for rotating recyclable electrical machines (synchronous and induction), in other words electrical machines and machine components may be reused. Also, technological issues arising from following machine components are covered: stator core, rotor core, stator windings, rotor windings, bearings, shafts, and frames. Design principles discussed may be extended to transformers. Insulation materials in high voltage windings are not considered. This paper did not consider economic advantages of the processes, neither environmental consequences. Rotating machines considered in the present study are of a power range within 0.1 kW to 400 kW, frequencies 50 hertz and 60 hertz and poles 2, 4 and 6 although the general concepts could be applied to other machines. Required machine standards to achieve these goals are discussed, covering: speed, nominal voltage, capacities, shapes, dimensions, insulation, cores, windings, bearings, shafts and frames.

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Author Biographies

Rafael Hernández-Millán, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Industrial Application Society.

Jesús Rafael Pacheco-Pimentel, Simón Bolívar University

Professor. Department of Energy Conversion and Transportation.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Millán, R., & Pacheco-Pimentel, J. R. (2017). Recycling rotating electrical machines. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (83), 50–56.