TiAlN films on ASTM A36 steel for sputtering reactive process RF


  • Franz Quesada Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
  • Álvaro Mariño Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá




TiAlN films, R.F reactive sputtering.


TiAlN films were deposited on ASTM A36 steel by RF reactive sputtering process using a TiAl (60/40%) target. Films were sputtered at two different relative pressures, 0,05 and 0,1, keeping constant the Argon pressure. The films were deposited on samples with different pretreatments: as received material, hardened and quenched, plasma-nitrided, and with initial coatings of Ti and TiN. Film deposition was conducted at 230°C. The TiAlN films showed composition Ti0.4Al0.6N with preferred orientation (200). The best properties of hardness, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance were observed at a relative pressure of 0,1 and best adherence at a relative pressure of 0,05. The highest was 2500 HK.

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How to Cite

Quesada, F., & Mariño, Álvaro. (2006). TiAlN films on ASTM A36 steel for sputtering reactive process RF. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (37), 107–114. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.343445