Chaotic intermittency with non-differentiable M(x) function




intermittency, reinjection, discontinuous reinjection probability density function


One-dimensional maps showing chaotic intermittency with discontinuous reinjection probability density functions are studied. For these maps, the reinjection mechanism possesses two different processes. The M function methodology is applied to analyze the complete reinjection mechanism and to determine the discontinuous reinjection probability density function. In these maps, the function M(x) is continuous and non-differentiable. Theoretical equations are found for the function M(x) and for the reinjection probability density function. Finally, the theoretical results are compared with numerical data finding high accuracy.

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Author Biographies

Sergio Elaskar, Universidad de Córdoba

Department of Aeronautical. Full Plenary Professor

Ezequiel Del Río, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

ETSIAE Aplied Physics, professor

Mauro Grioni, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CONICET

Argentina and National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET)


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How to Cite

Elaskar, S., Del Río, E., & Grioni, M. (2023). Chaotic intermittency with non-differentiable M(x) function. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (110), 56–64.