Comparison of mechanical bicycle and e-bike in the public bicycle-sharing system of Cuenca-Ecuador




Shared mobility, e-bike, cycling perceptions, sustainable mobility


The vehicular congestion and the constant increase in the number of vehicles in urban areas represent significant issues due to the negative externalities associated with these phenomena. In this context, Bicycle-sharing systems have emerged as alternatives to mitigate the inconveniences linked to private vehicle use. Therefore, it is imperative to explore new options within shared bicycle systems, such as including e-bikes. The city of Cuenca is located in the Andes Mountain range 2550 meters above sea level, with an approximate population of 650,000 inhabitants, and is considered an intermediate city. Despite having a public bicycle system, it has not achieved the expected acceptance, according to reports from the City's Public Mobility Company. Consequently, in this study, we propose a comparative analysis of perceptions and operational parameters, such as speed and acceleration, between mechanical and e-bikes within the public bicycle system of the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The results revealed that participants perceive more positive aspects when using e-bikes compared to conventional mechanical bicycles. Elements such as the enjoyment of the journey and the widespread recommendation of these stand out, findings that are supported by the data obtained from the analyzed operational parameters.

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Author Biographies

Mateo Fernando Coello-Salcedo, Universidad del Azuay

Master's degree. Researcher in Laboratorio de movilidad

Iván Andrés Mendoza-Vázquez, Universidad del Azuay

PhD Degree. Researcher in Laboratorio de Movilidad

Boris Mauricio Coello-Salcedo, Universidad del Azuay

Master's degree. Researcher in ERGON research center

Joel Romero-González, Universidad del Azuay

Bachelor's degree, Researcher in ERGON research center


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How to Cite

Coello-Salcedo, M. F., Mendoza-Vázquez, I. A., Coello-Salcedo, B. M., & Romero-González, J. (2024). Comparison of mechanical bicycle and e-bike in the public bicycle-sharing system of Cuenca-Ecuador. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (114), 19–31.