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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been submited previously to another Journal
  • The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word format
  • All figures and tables are inline with manucript's text and not at the end. All figures and tables are attached as complementary files with high quality resolution
  • The manuscript complies with all authors instructions
  • Authors must follow the instructions to ensure the manuscript is fit for blind review.

Author Guidelines

Scope and editorial policy

Lecturas de Economía  is due to its readers; therefore, it’s our responsibility to publish articles that make significant contributions to the discipline and of high quality in argumentation and writing. For this reason, priority will be given to articles that are the product of research projects. The journal is published twice a year, in January (January-June edition) and July (July-December edition). It’s allowed to submit articles throughout the year.

Manuscript preparation and form

  • Manuscripts submitted must comply with the journal's editorial presentation standards. If they do not meet these requirements, they will not be considered.
  • The submission implies the author's commitment not to submit them simultaneously to other publications partially or completely. When the articles were published previously as working papers, the presentation sheet must include a note indicating in which year and which institution published it; in addition, the full reference to the publication must be attached.
  • The document must be submitted through the OJS editorial management system, not through email.
  • The attached document must not include the name of the author (s) or any reference to the origin of the work (master's thesis, doctorate, etc.), in order to ensure anonymous evaluation.

            Presentation rules


The document will not exceed 8,000 words including notes, annexes and bibliographic references. Only works written in Spanish or English are accepted.


The document must be presented in Microsoft Word format. Likewise, the databases, images and tables must be delivered as complementary files in a file in Microsoft Excel format. When the graphics are produced by programs other than Excel, a high quality PNG or JPG file extension is requested.

Presentation sheet

All manuscripts must attach as a complementary file with a presentation sheet that clearly shows: title of the work, full name of the author (or authors), institutional affiliation (only the affiliation of the institution with which you have a current link and the type of link; for example: Associate Professor), institutional postal address, institutional electronic address, ORCID of the authors (in case of not having it yet, you must create it), abstract in Spanish and English, keywords (minimum five) and the JEL classification. If this is the case, this page should include the names of the persons to whom the author (s) acknowledge their contribution or comments to previous versions of the document, explanatory notes on research funding or previous publications of the manuscript as thesis, working paper, paper, etc.


Must be a short and informative title, describing the main conclusion of the article. Preferably, it should not exceed 15 words. It should not include little-known slang, acronyms, or abbreviations. As much as possible, you should include some of the keywords from the article.


The abstract should accurately reflect the content of the paper. Therefore, in a maximum of 180 words, the following shall be stated:

  • The main objective of the study or research.
  • Basic procedures, such as selection of study subjects, observation and analysis methods used.
  • The most important results (recording specific information or data and their statistical significance whenever possible).
  • The main conclusions.


A minimum of five (5) must be included. For your selection it is recommended to take into account the terms used by the American Economic Association in its classification.

Remember that the use of keywords is a resource for effective search and retrieval of articles, so the more precise they are, the more possibilities there are to improve the visibility indicators.

Table of contents

The article will start on the next page, preceded at the top only by the title and presenting the following structure (centered and with bold font). Example:

–Introduction. –I. Literature review. –II. Econometric model. –III. Discussion of results. –Conclusions. –Annexes. -References.

The Introduction, Conclusions, Annexes and References are not numbered. Second and third level titles are not included in the table of contents.

Statistical or graphical

Statistical information presented in graphs and tables should be numbered and cross-referenced in the text. You should include your sources of information at the bottom of each; if they are made in-house or by authors, this information must also be specified.

The responsibility for the statistical information contained in tables and graphs lies with the author (s). When it is derived from the application of quantitative methods, a file must be attached with the database used, to be verified by the evaluators. If required, their exclusion can be requested so as not to be disclosed together with the manuscript live on our website.


The equations will be numbered consecutively in the right margin, inside parentheses. Use the equation editor from Microsoft Word or platforms like LaTeX, or MathType.


Both direct and indirect citations should include the source from which the information was drawn. In the case of direct citations, the reference must indicate the page of the source consulted. In direct quotations of less than 40 words, it is mandatory to use quotation marks at the beginning and at the end of the quoted fragment; Those that exceed this extension must be in a block independent of the text, without quotes and in single space. Failure to comply with this rule could be considered plagiarism.

Bibliographic references

You must list all and only the sources cited in the body of the work. Your presentation should follow the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its edition 7. We suggest the use of software such as that included in Microsoft Word, or that offered by Mendeley or EndNote. Please refer to the magazine's website for some examples.

Editorial process

Reception and evaluation

  • The author will receive acknowledgment of receipt of the document as soon as it is received. However, it should be clarified that the reception of a manuscript does not imply its acceptance for publication.
  • The manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee, who will evaluate the relevance of the topic, compliance with the presentation rules and will ensure their originality through the use of plagiarism screening detection software iThenticate. If deemed inappropriate for publication, the publisher will notify the authors of the rejection decision. Otherwise, the evaluation process will be notified by peer evaluators.
  • Each manuscript will have the review of at least two expert evaluators, to whom the manuscript will be sent without author marks and a form that includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. From the delivery, the evaluators will have a period of 5 weeks to send their evaluation concepts. If they do not coincide in their criteria, the manuscript will be sent to a third evaluator to settle the difference.
  • Once all the concepts have been received, the Editorial Committee will make the final decision to accept the article, reject it or forward it to the authors so they can make the necessary changes. In the latter case, in addition to the corrected manuscript, the authors must send a separate note addressed to the Editorial Committee in which it is exhaustively indicated which modifications were incorporated, which were not and why. Regardless of the initial editorial decision, comments from anonymous reviewers will be sent to the author (s).
  • Based on the evaluative concepts, the Editorial Committee will issue the final concept on approval or rejection of the publication of the manuscript. This decision may be appealed by communication addressed to the Editor in the following 4 weeks. If no communication is received, the manuscript will be archived and the editorial process cannot be reactivated.

Proofreading and layout

  • Manuscripts that are accepted for publication must go through a proofreading and proofreading process. The authors will be sent an editorial diagnosis that shows the general observations and the changes that must be taken into account. This is the only phase of the process in which minor changes in the content of the manuscript will be admitted.
  • The authors will have up to 2 weeks to send the new version of the manuscript.
  • Once the diagramming process has been completed, a trial version of the article will be sent to the authors in PDF format. For the review of this test and the submission of the diagramming suggestions that they consider pertinent, the authors will have a period of one week. In this phase, only design adjustments but not content are allowed.
  • Lecturas de Economía does not charge any fee for the editorial processes described.


  • The Journal will publish the edition on its institutional page and in print. Likewise, it will be disseminated through the different databases in which it is registered.
  • Each of the authors will receive a courtesy copy of the printed edition in which their article was included. For this, a personal delivery address will be requested.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement is in accordance with Colombian regulations and the University of Antioquia. Law 1581 of 2012, Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, External Circular 002 of 2015 issued by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, the internal information management policy implemented by the University of Antioquia through Rectoral Resolutions 38017 of 2013 and 39994 of 2015, or those that modify or replace them, through which general provisions are established regarding habeas data and the processing of information containing personal data.

I authorize the University of Antioquia and Lecturas de Economía Journal, freely, voluntarily, prior, explicitly, informed, and unequivocally, to collect, store, use, circulate, delete, and, in general, process the personal data that I have provided or will provide, in accordance with the legally established terms, by virtue of using the University of Antioquia Journal platform.

This authorization to process my personal data extends for the entire duration of any relationship that may be established or persist, for any reason, with the University of Antioquia and after the termination of such a relationship, provided that such processing is related to the purposes for which personal data was collected, especially for the relevant purposes of the academic and administrative processes of the Institution.

In this regard, I declare that I am aware that the personal data subject to processing will be used specifically for the purposes derived from the use of the Open Journal System platform of the University of Antioquia Journals system.

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1. To know, update, and rectify personal data in relation to the data controllers or processors. This right may be exercised, among others, in relation to partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractionated data, data that mislead, or data whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
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