Estimation Biases, Size and Power of a Test on the Long Memory Parameter in ARFIMA Models


  • Elkin Castaño Vélez University of Antioquia
  • Santiago Alejandro Gallón Gómez University of Antioquia
  • Karoll Gómez Portilla National University of Colombia



Hypothesis testing, time-series models


Castaño et al. (2008) proposed a test to investigate the existence of long memory based on the fractional differencing parameter of an ARFIMA (p, d, q) model. They showed that using an autoregressive approximation with order equal to the nearest integer of p* = T1/3 for the short-term component of this model, the test for the short memory null hypothesis against the long memory alternative hypothesis has greater power than other long memory tests, and also has an adequate size. We studied the estimation bias generated on d, and the effect on the power and size of the test when the short-term component is ignored and when the used models do not approximate it adequately. Additionally we analyze whether the obtained results by Castaño et al. (2008) can be improved employing a different autoregressive approximation.

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Author Biographies

Elkin Castaño Vélez, University of Antioquia

Associate Professor - Full Professor, School of Statistics of the Faculty of Sciences, National University of Colombia and Group of Applied Econometrics of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Antioquia.

Santiago Alejandro Gallón Gómez, University of Antioquia

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Applied Econometrics Group, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Universidad de Antioqua.

Karoll Gómez Portilla, National University of Colombia

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Human and Economic Sciences, National University of Colombia, and Applied Econometrics Group of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Antioqua.


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How to Cite

Castaño Vélez, E., Gallón Gómez, S. A., & Gómez Portilla, K. (2011). Estimation Biases, Size and Power of a Test on the Long Memory Parameter in ARFIMA Models. Lecturas De Economia, 73(73), 131–148.


