
  • Jeannette Sánchez-Naranjo University of Oklahoma




Obviation, Reference, Anaphoric Binding, Subjunctive


In this paper I examine the disjoint reference effect (ERD) whose realiza-tion in Spanish is displayed with the presence of the subjunctive. First, I present a description of this phenomenon and its relation with the subjunctive. Then, I show a revision of the different syntactic and semantic approaches used to explain the ERD. Circumscribed to two main contemporary linguistic theories, I indicate both the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. To conclude this article, I argue we need to consider other factors such as modality and intentionality as integral elements of a proposal addressing the ERD associated to the subjunctive.

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How to Cite

Sánchez-Naranjo, J. (2014). DISJOINT REFERENCE EFFECT IN SPANISH: DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ABOUT A COMPLEX PHENOMENON. Lingüística Y Literatura, (63), 13–32. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.18242



Linguistic studies