Stigmas and paradigms around Dulcinea’s enchantments


  • Paola Uparela Reyes University of Notre Dame



Dulcinea, enchantment, monstrosity, Aldonza, princess


Dulcinea is not simply the princess or Aldonza Lorenzo as critics have assumed for decades. The ambiguity between don Quixote’s ideal and the novel triggers the appearance of women as apocryphal Dulcineas. This paper analyzes the ambiguity with Aldonza, the appearance of the Enchanted Dulcinea in the begining of the Second part, the dream in Montesinos’ Cave, and the function of Dulcinea as justification of the knight errant’s actions. Yet, Dulcinea as imagined by Sancho, the Enchanted Dulcinea, as well as the wish for her disenchantment, introduce a character opposed don Quixote’s ideal: she is rustic, grotesque, abject and monstrous.
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How to Cite

Uparela Reyes, P. (2015). Stigmas and paradigms around Dulcinea’s enchantments. Lingüística Y Literatura, 36(67), 91–104.



Research articles