The Gusto de X → Me gusta X Linguistic Change


  • Adolfo Elizaincín University of the Republic
  • Macarena González University of the Republic



Spanish, history, topology, gustar, dative


Throughout its history, gustar has undergone significant changes, which modified its meaning from a single reference to taste (meals or drinks) to a more general one of pleasure. Furthermore, this bi-argumental verb changed its syntactic structure from, e.g., yo gusto el/del calor to me gusta el calor, i.e. NOM > DAT. The change is associated with the dative case, the telic force peculiar to Spanish, the analogy with placer, and impersonality. Two similar subcorpora were constructed within the CREA corpus, which showed that the dat construction has succeeded over its rival NOM+GUSTAR. This conclusion is confirmed by the DCR data.

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Author Biography

Adolfo Elizaincín, University of the Republic

Bachelor of Arts from the University of the Republic, Uruguay, and Doctor of Romance Philology from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He was a professor of General Linguistics at the University of the Republic, where he is currently a professor emeritus. Researcher level III of the National System of Researchers. Doctor honoris causa from the University of Athens, Greece. President of the National Academy of Letters of Uruguay and president of the Association of Linguistics and Philology of Latin America (ALFAL). He has published and taught at various American, European, and Asian universities on topics related to dialectology, sociolinguistics, and the history and typology of American Spanish and Portuguese. 


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How to Cite

Elizaincín, A., & González, M. (2016). The Gusto de X → Me gusta X Linguistic Change. Lingüística Y Literatura, 37(69), 253–268.



Research articles