Metaphor in the XXth Century: Two Ways of Interpreting the Concept


  • Tatiana Mukhortikova University of Valencia



metaphor, pragmatics, conceptual metaphor, formalism


The aim of this article is to summarize, through the analysis of the main theoretical sources, the development of two ways to interpret metaphor. They might be called: 1) the formalist vision, centered on description of features of metaphor, its formal structure and its functions in a text or a discourse; and 2) the pragmatic and cognitive vision that offers an understanding of metaphor in the communicative situation showing its role as one of the basic chains of the human thought.

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How to Cite

Mukhortikova, T. (2018). Metaphor in the XXth Century: Two Ways of Interpreting the Concept. Lingüística Y Literatura, 39(74), 130–143.



Research articles