The Semantic Networks in Novice Students of Education: The Effects of Age and Previous Studies


  • Miguel Ángel Bargetto Fernández University of the Américas



academic literacy, psycholinguistics, lexicon, semantic priming


The relationship between lexicon and reading comprehension has been extensively studied in educational contexts. This paper presents the results of a semantic priming test, to verify the effects of age and previous studies on the semantic association of words of disciplinary lexicon. The results indicate that latencies in lexical recognition and association are superior to other related investigations and that, despite the general differences produced by the variables, it is concluded that age and previous studies have a relative impact on lexical decision-making and on the configuration of semantic networks.

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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Bargetto Fernández, University of the Américas

Professor associated with the Faculty of Education (University of the Americas, Chile). His lines of research are academic literacy, psycholinguistics and grammar. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis The Relationships between Lexicon and Reading Comprehension in Novice University Students. 


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How to Cite

Bargetto Fernández, M. Ángel. (2020). The Semantic Networks in Novice Students of Education: The Effects of Age and Previous Studies. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(77), 11–32.



Research articles