Oral Literature: An Apology of the Concept. Part 1: The False Analogy


  • Vanessa Franco Ramírez CES University, Catholic University of the East




oral literature, conceptual hypertrophy, orality, literacy, literary studies


This article intends to unveil the conceptual hypertrophy that is suffered by oral literature with the aim of analyze and strengthen the basic ideas that have been the foundation of many of the researches around the phenomenon. Through the hermeneutical methodology, an argumentative analysis of the premise is presented, which constitutes the starting point to reject the idea of oral literature: Walter Ong’s analogy. Afterwards, the false analogy that comes along Ong’s proposal and the discussion about the possible pertinence of the nominalization oral literature is explained.

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Author Biography

Vanessa Franco Ramírez, CES University, Catholic University of the East

Holds a degree in Literary Studies and a Master in Humanities. Lecturer at CES University (Colombia) and Catholic University of the East (Colombia). This work arises from the research project  Literatura oral: un fenómeno complejo. Apuntes para una propuesta teórico-metodológica para la comprensión y el estudio del fenómeno de la literatura oral desde la perspectiva de los estudios literarios. Project in Phase 1, which was part of the Humanitas research group of the Catholic University of the East (Colombia), in its line of Colombian Literature. This project was developed as a undergraduate work to opt for the master's degree in humanities at the Catholic University of the East (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Franco Ramírez, V. (2021). Oral Literature: An Apology of the Concept. Part 1: The False Analogy . Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(79), 451–465. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.n79a25