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Literary Criticism about Literature of la Violencia in Colombia: An Approximative Reevaluation


  • José Manuel Betancur Echavarría University of Antioquia



literature of la Violencia, testimonial genre, bipartisan violence, literary criticism


This article aims to review the main postulates of literary criticism about the narrative of la Violencia in Colombia in order to point out some of the most common inaccuracies that have been transmitted and consolidated in the understanding of this phenomenon. Through the analysis of the Colombian literary context of that time, this paper seeks to understand the causes that lead to such inaccuracies. Furthermore, it searches to reevaluate the use that these critical studies have given to the concept of «testimony», essential for the literary evaluation of the novels that compose the corpus of literature of la Violencia.

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Author Biography

José Manuel Betancur Echavarría, University of Antioquia

Undergraduate student of Letters: Hispanic Philology at University of Antioquia (Colombia). He currently belongs to the Violence and Culture research group in Colombia, which is part of the Group of Literary Studies (GEL) of the University of Antioquia (Colombia). The line of research that he develops is literature, art and other cultural productions that arose as a result of the bipartisan violence of the middle of the last century in the country.


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How to Cite

Betancur Echavarría, J. M. (2021). Literary Criticism about Literature of la Violencia in Colombia: An Approximative Reevaluation. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 54–68.