The influence of Subjective Familiarity on Word Reading and Writing in Primary School Students from Medellin


  • Mercedes Amparo Muñetón Ayala University of Antioquia



reading, writing, subjective familiarity, elementary level education, psycholinguistic parameters


The objective of the present study was to analyze the specific challenges that the spelling of Spanish, a transparent language, represents for children who begin to learn to read and write. The participants were 42 children from 2nd and 4th grade of primary education. First, the influence of subjective familiarity on the two skills was analyzed, and then its possible interaction with the psycholinguistic parameters of spelling consistency, syllabic structure and length. The results showed a familiarity effect that mediates the skills development process, indicating that writing needs the strengthening of reading in order to advance.

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Author Biography

Mercedes Amparo Muñetón Ayala, University of Antioquia

Doctor in Experimental and Applied Psycholinguistics, professor at the Faculty of Communications and Philology at University of Antioquia (Colombia). Senior Researcher at MINCIENCIAS, coordinator of the Psycholinguistics and Prosody research group and also coordinator in Colombia of the Atlas Multimedia de Prosodia del Espacio Románico (AMPER_Col) project. Director of undergraduate and graduate thesis in Linguistics. Author of articles and book chapters published nationally and internationally. Currently, her central interest is focused on understanding the cognitive processes that underlie reading, writing and prosody


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2021-07-30 — Updated on 2021-11-14


How to Cite

Muñetón Ayala, M. A. (2021). The influence of Subjective Familiarity on Word Reading and Writing in Primary School Students from Medellin. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 169–186. (Original work published July 30, 2021)

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