Code-Switching in a Foreign Language Class’s Teaching Interaction. Corpus Analysis in an Argelian University Environment


  • Leïla Djaballah University of Algiers
  • Amina Hachouf Badji Mokhtar Annaba University



code-switching, discourse analysis, first language, first foreign language (L2), study language


This article studies the code-switching phenomenon in an Italian language teaching context from the University of Annaba, in Algeria. Certain passages in Italian, Arabian and French spoken in Algeria and produced mainly by the teachers from the department of Italian language will be examined, using discourse analysis as the theoretical model. The study will be centered around the linguistic choices of teachers in their interactions with the students, seeking to understand the nature of and the reasons behind code-switching in the discourse. This contribution will show that the frequent presence of these alternations is necessary for the pedagogical process.

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Author Biographies

Leïla Djaballah, University of Algiers

Degree in English Language, Badji Mokhtar University (Algeria). Higher Diploma in Economic Journalism from INSIM. Degree in Italian language, Badji Mokhtar University (Algeria). Master in Italian Language, Literature and Civilization of Algerian literature of foreign expression of Badji Mokhtar University (Algeria). PhD student in Italian Language, Literature and Civilization (University of Algiers 2, Algeria), focused in applied linguistics and analysis of radio discourse: Analisi conversazionale dell'interazione diretta tra speaker/radio e ascoltatore in algerino e italiano, thesis directed by Professor Amina Hachouf.

Amina Hachouf, Badji Mokhtar Annaba University

She studied a Master's degree at the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy. Currently, she is an assistant professor at Badji Mokhtar Annaba University, Algeria.


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How to Cite

Djaballah, L., & Hachouf, A. (2021). Code-Switching in a Foreign Language Class’s Teaching Interaction. Corpus Analysis in an Argelian University Environment. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 221–235.