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A Syntactic-Prosodic Analysis of Focalizing Ser


  • Tanya Flores University of Utah
  • Dunia Catalina Méndez Vallejo Princeton University



focus, prosody, clefts, focalizing ser, Colombian Spanish


This study is the first analysis on how focalizing ser is marked prosodically, and how this compares to cleft and pseudo-cleft focus structures. Data was collected from Barranquilla, Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín. Our results show that ser in FS structures can have a pre-nuclear pitch accent, unlike ser in cleft and pseudo-cleft structures. Although FS is considered a discourse marker (Curnow & Travis, 2004; Pato 2010), it still behaves like a verb in terms of syntax and prosody.

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Author Biographies

Tanya Flores, University of Utah

I teach undergraduate and graduate level Spanish Linguistics courses along with a departmental gateway course (LANG/WLC 2020) that introduces majors and minors from all of our language programs to Sociolinguistics. I enjoy all of these courses and love the opportunity to work with students of all levels and language programs. These are descriptions of my regular course offerings with a link to the most recent student evaluations. My research focuses on sound changes that are motivated by social factors. My work brings together detailed acoustic analysis, variationist sociolinguistics, and speech accommodation methods, all supported by statistical analyses. The combination of methods that I employ allow me to propose reasons for socio-phonetic variation that consider several motivating factors, including phonetic environment, speaker & listener traits, type and origin of discourse, and lexical frequency of spoken words.

Dunia Catalina Méndez Vallejo, Princeton University

She received a dual PhD in Linguistics and Hispanic Linguistics from Indiana University in 2009. While she specializes in syntax, she has also conducted research on the effects of prosody in requests and Spanish word order, sociolinguistic variation in Spanish future tenses, and socio-pragmatic change in discourse markers and forms of address.  She is currently working on the semantic and pragmatic features of the Focalizing Ser structure in Spanish.


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How to Cite

Flores, T., & Méndez Vallejo, D. C. (2022). A Syntactic-Prosodic Analysis of Focalizing Ser. Lingüística Y Literatura, 43(81), 60–88.