Among «Old Papers»: Félix F. Outes and the Documental Archeology on Indigenous Languages between 18th and 19th Centuries in Argentina
Félix F. Outes, linguistics historiography, indigenous languages, Querandíes, PatagoniaAbstract
This article analyzes, in a historiographical perspective, the first part of the production on indigenous languages due to Félix Faustino Outes (1878-1939), a specialist in the anthropological-archaeological field of Argentina. His main area of research was the Patagonian territory, although at the beginning of his career he demonstrated an interest in the study of the Querandíes, from Río de la Plata. His contributions include archival work, while the field work is remarkably scarce. Hence, this contribution puts this author’s production on indigenous languages in dialogue with a practice that was called «documentary archaeology» on this text.
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