The Subjective Projection through Personification in Inquietudes sentimentales (1917) by Teresa Wilms Montt: An approach from Cognitive Poetic


  • Ignacia Francisca Parra Parra Pontifical Catholic University of Chile



cognitive poetics, conceptual metaphor, personification, image schemas, novel conceptual metaphor


This article presents an analysis of the poetry book Inquietudes sentimentales (1917) by Teresa Wilms Montt from cognitive poetics, which is a branch of study that belongs to cognitive linguistics. The conceptualization of the death, nature, and the physical environment is studied through personification and its cognitive implications. In this way, it’s investigated the way in which literary meaning is configured in this poems book.

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Author Biography

Ignacia Francisca Parra Parra, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Candidate for a Master's degree in Literature, mention in Linguistics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. B.A. in Literature from the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello (Chile). Obtained this degree with Magna cum laude distinction. Currently she teaches the course Linguistics of Text and Discourse at the Faculty of Literature and Education of the Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile). In this course I am in charge of the elaboration of classes, schedule, syllabus, evaluations and their corrections.


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How to Cite

Parra Parra, I. F. (2022). The Subjective Projection through Personification in Inquietudes sentimentales (1917) by Teresa Wilms Montt: An approach from Cognitive Poetic. Lingüística Y Literatura, 43(81), 302–324.