From «Perfect Absence of Communication» to Imperfect Communication. Memory and Language in The Autobiographical Letters of Emma Reyes




perfect absence of communicaion, imperfect communication, language, memory, epistolary writing, Emma Reyes


In this paper we analyze the correspondence between the Colombian artist and writer Emma Reyes and Germán Arciniegas. We try to demonstrate that her proposal in her letters has a destabilizing effect. In this sense, we reflect on the exercise of memory that her epistles imply. Then, we present her vision of language. Later, we show the articulation between what is expressed and the form of expression, where a tension operates between language and memory. We conclude that the proposal of her writing impacts readers by its «incorrectness» and enables a reflection on the power of language.

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Author Biography

Diana Echeverry Fernández, Caro y Cuervo Institute

Lawyer (Universidade Nacional da Colombia). Master in Literature and Culture from Instituto Caro y Cuervo (Colombia). Member of the Literature Research Group of the Caro y Cuervo Institute (Colombia). Last published: Echeverry Fernández D. & Molina Morales G. (2019). "Canto y cantor sepultará el olvido". The poetry of Agripina Montes del Valle in the context of the Colombian nineteenth century. Estudios de Literatura Colombiana, (46), 17-35.


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How to Cite

Echeverry Fernández, D. (2022). From «Perfect Absence of Communication» to Imperfect Communication. Memory and Language in The Autobiographical Letters of Emma Reyes. Lingüística Y Literatura, 43(81), 347–365.