Osteonecrosis of the jaw associated to bisphosphonates treatment in osteoporosis patients: a review


  • Johnayro Gutiérrez-Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia




Osteonecrosis, Osteoporosis, Bisphosphonates


Osteonecrosis of the jaw has been described since 2003 and it is defined as the presence of a defect in the oral mucosa leading to exposure of the mandibular and maxillary bones, and failing to heal over a period of eight weeks in a patient treated with bisphosphonates and without prior exposure to radiation therapy on the head or neck. This article is a review of the literature regarding the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic studies, and several aspects related to prevention and treatment of this entity.

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Author Biography

Johnayro Gutiérrez-Restrepo, Universidad de Antioquia

Internist and Endocrinologist, Professor at the Endocrinology Service, Universidad de Antioquia, Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellín, Colombia.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Restrepo, J. (2013). Osteonecrosis of the jaw associated to bisphosphonates treatment in osteoporosis patients: a review. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 24(2), 307–320. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.11746