Clinical variations of double mesiodens: a review and case report


  • Judy Elena Villavicencio Universidad del Valle
  • Jesús Alberto Hernández-Silva Universidad del Valle
  • Sebastián Medina-Cárdenas Universidad del Valle



Dental anomalies, Supernumerary teeth, mesiodens


Supernumerary teeth are dental anomalies of number that, due to their prevalence, raise concerns among dentists, parents, and patients. They can occur isolated or associated with a syndrome and can lead to complications in eruption, occlusion, and patients’ appearance. Mesiodens are the most common type of supernumerary teeth and usually occur in the midline of the maxilla, between the two central incisors. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of supernumerary teeth is important to prevent complications in permanent dentition. This article discussesthe clinical variations of mesiodens and reports three cases of fully-erupted double mesiodens.

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Author Biographies

Judy Elena Villavicencio, Universidad del Valle

DDM, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry. Universidad Javeriana. Professor, School of Dentistry, School of Health, Universidad del Valle. Pediatric Dentistry and Maxillary Orthopedics Research Group, School of Dentistry, School of Health, Universidad del Valle

Jesús Alberto Hernández-Silva, Universidad del Valle

DDM, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Maxillary Orthopedics, Universidad de Antioquia. Professor, School of Dentistry, School of Health, Universidad del Valle. Pediatric Dentistry and Maxillary Orthopedics Research Group, School of Dentistry, School of Health, Universidad del Valle.

Sebastián Medina-Cárdenas, Universidad del Valle

DDM, School of Dentistry, School of Health, Universidad del Valle. TEBLAMI Research Group, School of Basic Sciences, School of Health, Universidad del Valle


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How to Cite

Villavicencio, J. E., Hernández-Silva, J. A., & Medina-Cárdenas, S. (2015). Clinical variations of double mesiodens: a review and case report. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 27(1), 216–227.