Training of visual discrimination skills in dentistry


  • Roque Arias-Fredes Universidad de Chile, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Isidora González-Velasco Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Juan Estay-Larenas Universidad de Chile
  • Cristian Bersezio-Miranda Universidad de Chile
  • Axel Jara-Drago Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Pablo Ángel-Aguirre Universidad de Chile



Dental education, Color, Luminosity, Visual discrimination, Training


Introduction: the objective of this study was to determine whether a short training workshop including theoretical instruction and the use of a computer program improves visual discrimination of the most important dimension in tooth color selection: luminosity. Methods: 51 students who met the inclusion criteria participated in the study after signing an informed consent. Each student was asked to arrange 16 samples of the Vitapan Classical Guide from highest to lowest luminosity according to the manufacturer’s scale. This procedure was done in 3 minutes with covered identification codes, under daylight, and against a neutral gray background. This first arrangement was done with no prior instruction. Training was provided afterwards and consisted of a 45-minute theoretical class and one-hour practicum using the 7-exercise groups of the Color Training Exercises computer program. Finally, each participant made a second arrangement one week after the training workshop. The results were compared using the Student T-test for paired samples. Results: the first arrangement yielded 33.3% of success and after training there was 33.6% success in average. There were no significant differences (p = 0.8520). Conclusions: considering the limitations of the study, providing a short theoretical workshop plus visual training using a computer program is not effective in improving visual discrimination of tooth color luminosity in the study subjects.

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Author Biographies

Roque Arias-Fredes, Universidad de Chile, Universidad del Desarrollo

DDS, Assistant Professor, Universidad de Chile, Universidad del Desarrollo.

Isidora González-Velasco, Universidad del Desarrollo

DDS, Universidad del Desarrollo

Juan Estay-Larenas, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Assistant Professor, Universidad de Chile.

Cristian Bersezio-Miranda, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Assistant, Universidad de Chile.

Axel Jara-Drago, Universidad del Desarrollo

DDS, Scholar, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.

Pablo Ángel-Aguirre, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Assistant Professor, Universidad de ChilE


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How to Cite

Arias-Fredes, R., González-Velasco, I., Estay-Larenas, J., Bersezio-Miranda, C., Jara-Drago, A., & Ángel-Aguirre, P. (2015). Training of visual discrimination skills in dentistry. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 26(2), 358–367.

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