Beliefs about the oral health in pregnant women in three Colombian cities


  • Herney Alonso Rengifo-Reina Universidad del Valle



Pregnancy, Oral health, Beliefs in oral health


Introduction: the objective of this study was to describe the beliefs about oral health among pregnant women in three Colombia’s cities. Methods: in an observational descriptive transversal study, a semi structured survey was applied to pregnant women attending pre-natal control at the city’s health service. 441 pregnant women that met the inclusion criteria and who voluntarily accepted to participate, were included in the study. Results: the average age was 22 years; it was found that 96.60% (426) of pregnant women have at least one belief about oral health, and the majority of the women (70%) believed that during pregnancy the baby “steals” calcium from the mother’s teeth and that “at least one tooth is lost in each pregnancy”. Conclusions: pregnant women have erroneous beliefs that to a great extent influence their behavior towards oral health practices and their demands for dental services. The majority of beliefs are related to the fact that during pregnancy, the baby steals calcium from the mother’s teeth.

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Author Biography

Herney Alonso Rengifo-Reina, Universidad del Valle

Odontólogo, magister en Salud pública, Candidato a Magister en Epidemiología, profesor Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad del Valle, Grupo de Investigación Pacífico Siglo XXI, Fundación CEGES.



How to Cite

Rengifo-Reina, H. A. (2009). Beliefs about the oral health in pregnant women in three Colombian cities. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 20(2), 171–178.