Orthopantomography versus cone beam ct in the canine mesiodistal angle measuring, in 29 patients in the final phase of orthodontics treatment


  • Gabriel Rabi Universidad de Chile
  • Braulio Gómez Universidad de Chile
  • Enrique Ramírez Universidad de Chile
  • Mauricio Rudolph Universidad de Chile
  • Carmen Lucía Guzmán Universidad de Chile




Radiography, Panoramic, Cone-Beam computed tomography, Cuspid


Introduction: orthopantomography has been widely used before, during and after orthodontic treatment to evaluate root parallelism. Canines are the teeth which usually show the biggest distortion when this technique is used. The position of this tooth is considered by many as a key element to obtain stability after orthodontic treatment. At present, radiographic devices such as Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) provide better precision and reliability in their image. The purpose of this study was to compare the mesiodistal angulation of canines as measured by Orthopantomography and CBCT, taken at the same time and under the same parameters. Methods: angulation was compared with respect to a vertical of the four canines in 29 patients undergoing the final phase of orthodontic treatment, obtained by Orthopantomography and CBCT, using a 3D Galileos® (Sirona®) radiographic device. The root canal and the pulp chamber were taken as reference points of the longitudinal axes of the tooth, ignoring abnormal trajectories of the root canal and apical curvatures of the root. Galaxis® from Sirona® and MB- Ruler© version 3.6, computational programs were used to measure mesiodistal angulation of the teeth. Student´s t-test for paired samples was used for those groups that showed a Normal distribution and homogeneous dispersion. Wilcoxon´s signed-rank test was used for those groups meeting these requirements. Results: statistically significant differences were found when both radiographic images were compared. The mesiodistal angulation of canines was always larger when measured by orthopantomography method than by the CBCT method. Conclusion: in the selected sample and under the conditions of this study, the mesiodistal angulation of canines showed an increase of 1° to 2° when measured with orthopantomography as compared with the CBCT method.

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Author Biographies

Gabriel Rabi, Universidad de Chile

Cirujano Dentista, Meritante Cátedra de Ortodoncia. Departamento del Niño y Ortopedia Dentomaxilar. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Chile.

Carmen Lucía Guzmán, Universidad de Chile

Odontóloga, CES, Medellín, Colombia. Profesor AsistenteDepartamento de Patología. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Chile.



How to Cite

Rabi, G., Gómez, B., Ramírez, E., Rudolph, M., & Guzmán, C. L. (2010). Orthopantomography versus cone beam ct in the canine mesiodistal angle measuring, in 29 patients in the final phase of orthodontics treatment. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 21(2), 198–207. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.2183