Analysis of the medio-lateral insertion axis of the stylohyoid ligament regarding the sagittal plane of the skull in individuals of both sexes through the cone beam system: a retrospective study


  • Consuelo Rubio Universidad San Sebastián
  • Héctor Ganga Servicio de Salud Atacama, Ministerio de Salud
  • Carmen Lucía Guzmán Universidad de Chile



Ligament, Calcification, Angle


Introduction: most of the diagnosis of the stylohyoideus ligament calcification corresponds to radiographic findings. This research provides exclusive information on the aforementioned pathology. In this report, and —by using the Cone Beam System— the location of the stylohyoideus ligament is identified through the analysis of the angles formed by it in relation with the midline. Methods: this study had a sample of 82 imagenology examinations taken with Sirona´s Galileos high resolution Cone Beam Tomography System, Siemens, Germany®. The examinations corresponded to routine studies in patients undergoing orthodontic or implantology treatments and/or for general diagnosis. To perform the measurements we used Galaxy software which has an evaluation window for the three strict space planes and is called Radiology. Results: the evaluation of the sample permitted to establish that as the ligament moves away from the cranial base, it becomes more separated from the mid-sagittal line in men than in women and, there is no significant difference in the angles measured in the different groups according to age. Conclusion: the detail and the accuracy of the measurements carried out with the Cone Beam System permitted to demonstrate the correct direction of the stylohyoideus ligament.

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Author Biographies

Consuelo Rubio, Universidad San Sebastián

Dental surgeon, postgraduate student in Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Chile, private practice. Undergraduate professor of Dentistry at the San Sebastián University.

Héctor Ganga, Servicio de Salud Atacama, Ministerio de Salud

Dental surgeon, postgraduate student in Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Chile, private practice. Family Health. Servicio de Salud Atacama, Ministerio de Salud.

Carmen Lucía Guzmán, Universidad de Chile

CES dontologist, Medellín, maxillofacial radiologist, assistant professor, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Chile.



How to Cite

Rubio, C., Ganga, H., & Guzmán, C. L. (2010). Analysis of the medio-lateral insertion axis of the stylohyoid ligament regarding the sagittal plane of the skull in individuals of both sexes through the cone beam system: a retrospective study. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 22(1), 33–39.