Coronal microleakage of Enterococcus Faecalis in three types of endodontic filling (warm vertical compaction, lateral compaction, and single cone)


  • Jaime Alberto Rendón-Gómez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Patricia Bermúdez-Reyes Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • José Daniel Cano-Pérez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Miguel Ángel Urrego-Araque Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia



Lateral compaction, Warm vertical compaction, Single cone, Enterococcus faecalis, Microleakage


Introduction: the adequate sealing of endodontic fillings is critical for a successful treatment, as it prevents the entry of microorganisms and/or their growth in case they persist within the root system. The purpose of this study was to determine bacterial microleakage time in root canals filled with the lateral compaction, warm vertical compaction, and single cone techniques. Methods: 30 single-rooted teeth extracted from humans were randomly distributed into three experimental groups (n = 8); positive and negative controls were also used (n = 6). Teeth were prepared with the corono-apical ProTaper Universal technique and obturations were performed using lateral compaction, warm vertical compaction (System B – Obtura II) and single cone. Top Seal resin-based cement was used in the three groups. Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) microleakage was assessed every 24 hours for 30 days using the dual chamber model, with the lower chamber containing a pH indicator in the culture medium, which showed bacterial microleakage time. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way Anova test and Bonferroni and Tukey’s post-tests. Results: The single-cone technique showed the highest level of bacterial microleakage of E. faecalis as a function of time, while lateral compaction and warm vertical compaction showed better results, with no statistically significant differences between them, being the techniques with the best sealing results against E. faecalis microleakage. Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, it can be concluded that the single-cone technique is not suitable for root canal sealing, as it does not prevent bacterial microleakage of E. faecalis compared to the other two techniques.

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Author Biographies

Jaime Alberto Rendón-Gómez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

DMD, CES University. Endodontist, CES University. Master’s Degree in Microbiology and Bioanalysis, Universidad de Antioquia

Patricia Bermúdez-Reyes, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

DMD, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Specialist in Comprehensive Dentistry for Children and Adolescents, Universidad Santa María (Caracas, Venezuela), Master’s Degree in Epidemiology, CES University

José Daniel Cano-Pérez, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Dental student, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia


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How to Cite

Rendón-Gómez, J. A., Bermúdez-Reyes, P., Cano-Pérez, J. D., & Urrego-Araque, M. Ángel. (2017). Coronal microleakage of Enterococcus Faecalis in three types of endodontic filling (warm vertical compaction, lateral compaction, and single cone). Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 28(2), 278–291.