Notes on the teaching-learning process of oral radiology


  • Pedro Rafael Sarmiento-Sarmiento Universidad del Valle



Oral radiology, Perception/interpretation, Teaching and learning


The remarkable impact that oral radiology has had on the clinical diagnosis and the importance of its practice for professionals, theoreticians, empirics and instructors, as well as patients, is the central objective of this essay. The objective was to establish a pedagogic and academic framework over which it will be evident that the teaching of radiology is also a matter of learning opportunity (apprenticeship). A realistic point of view is offered, based on reflections and experiences arisen from the teaching and learning of oral radiology over several years. Finally as a proposal, the author suggests assuming the teaching of radiology as a complex practice in which theoretical, empirical and practical factors are complemented.

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Author Biography

Pedro Rafael Sarmiento-Sarmiento, Universidad del Valle

Profesor Titular.  Odontólogo,  Magister en  Administración de Empresas, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria.



How to Cite

Sarmiento-Sarmiento, P. R. (2010). Notes on the teaching-learning process of oral radiology. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 21(2), 226–229.