Efectos del tratamiento de ortodoncia en la imagen del cuerpo y la autoestima de los adolescentes: informe final


  • Victoria Eugenia Díaz-F. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Nelson Cortés-C. Universidad de Antioquia




Adolescent, Body, Organism, Demand, Self-esteem


This research project consisted of two steps; the purpose of the first one was to find out the reasons adolescents had for orthodontic consultation and their expectations on the corresponding treatment concerning their body image and self-esteem. In the second step, once treatment was over, the work focused on interpreting the effects of treatment on such self-image and self-esteem. Once treatment had finished, our findings corroborated that a demand about image underlies the request of adolescents for intervention on their organisms. Besides, it was found that adolescents experienced a transient increase in self-esteem; this effect was not long-lasting because the transformation of their organism did not solve their fundamental uneasiness with their body and with themselves.

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How to Cite

Díaz-F., V. E., & Cortés-C., N. (2009). Efectos del tratamiento de ortodoncia en la imagen del cuerpo y la autoestima de los adolescentes: informe final. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 16(1 y 2), 125–134. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.3235

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