Vol. 18 No. 1 (2006): Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia
Editorial: evolución de una publicación
|Abstract = 231 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 76 veces|
Evidence of clinical and radiographic changes in machined and modified surface osseointegrated implants: 3 to 12 months follow up
|Abstract = 405 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 116 veces| -
Relationship between three methods for the evaluation of skeletal maturation with sexual maturation
|Abstract = 259 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 241 veces| -
Perception of oral morbidity and social characteristics of a forcefully displaced and homeless population in the minicipality of Bello (Antioquia) 2005
|Abstract = 329 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 274 veces|
Dental agenesis: review of the literature and report of two cases
|Abstract = 6893 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 5818 veces| -
A literature review on the causal relationship between Occlusal Factors (OF) and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) II: observational analytical epidemiological studies
|Abstract = 504 veces | PDF = 28 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 181 veces| -
Valuation of the risk of dental caries: a tool for the comprehensive dental care of the child
|Abstract = 434 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 1250 veces| -
Mini-implants as anchorage in orthodontics
|Abstract = 2112 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 4520 veces|
Prognosis: a fundamental ethical commitment for the informed consent
|Abstract = 475 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 378 veces| -
Effects of statute 100 in the field of study and professinal practice of health professionals. The dental practice and its case
|Abstract = 380 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 462 veces|
|Abstract = 193 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 46 veces|