Perception of oral morbidity and social characteristics of a forcefully displaced and homeless population in the minicipality of Bello (Antioquia) 2005


  • Andrés Alonso Agudelo-S. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Liz Tatiana Isaza-S. Universidad de Antioquia
  • David Andrés Bustamante-B. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carlos Mauricio Martínez-O. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Cecilia María Martínez-D. Universidad de Antioquia



Forced displacement, Violence, Oral health, Perceived morbidity


Forceful displacement due to violence is one of the social phenomena with most relevance in public health, due to its relationship with social conditions and with the determinants that affect the health situation. Oral health is not strange to his situation, therefore, it is necessary to study what is happening with specific group populations. A descriptive study was carried out in a group of displaced and homeless population in which several social demographic variables were identified, as well as the perception of oral morbidity and their use of services related to it. Deficient life conditions were found, such us unemployment, lack of educational opportunities, financial hardships, difficulty of access to health services, high perception or oral and dental morbidity and a lack of knowledge of their health rights. It is mandatory to advance in the construction of proposals of intervention within specific parameters, keeping in mind that quality of life and welfare are fundamental axis of dignified life and of total health.

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How to Cite

Agudelo-S., A. A., Isaza-S., L. T., Bustamante-B., D. A., Martínez-O., C. M., & Martínez-D., C. M. (2009). Perception of oral morbidity and social characteristics of a forcefully displaced and homeless population in the minicipality of Bello (Antioquia) 2005. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 18(1), 36–46.