La enseñanza de las ciencias básicas biomédicas: mitos y realidades


  • Hilda Norha Jaramillo-L. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Olga Vasseur-Parra Universidad de Antioquia



Discursive and communicative action, Selection of theoretical and practical contents, Strategies for teaching


A definition of the concept of basic biomedical sciences is proposed and an approximation is made toward its learning with emphasis on the discurssive and communicative action, the selection of theoretical and practical contents and strategies for teaching.

A brief description of the local luStory and state of the art is made stressing the dic.hotomv between the ideal goal and reality and a discussion of theuhom, to whom and with what media have the basic biomedical disciplines have been taught_ The need to fill the gap between the ideals and realitves, is discussed to the light of scientific and didactic preparedness ofthe teachers, a precociousjoining-of the students to research activities, the relation between teachers and students, and the availability of modern and appropriate teaching media.

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How to Cite

Jaramillo-L., H. N., & Vasseur-Parra, O. (2016). La enseñanza de las ciencias básicas biomédicas: mitos y realidades. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 8(2), 20–23.