Estudio retrospectivo de hallazgos clínicos en niños con paladar fisurado luego de utilizar un obturador palatino como tratamiento temprano


  • Consuelo Valencia-R. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Olga Lucía Mendez-G. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ana María López-P. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jorge Jurado-E. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Beatriz Arroyave-S. Universidad de Antioquia



Cleft lip and palate, Early maxilary orthopedics, Baby plate


Always has existed a great controversy related within the utility using the baby plate in early maxillary orthopedics. The cleft lip and palatepatients, usually present functional velophafingeal incompetence, foniatric and respiratory difficulties growth and developmental anomalies, and psychological problems. This study describes how paHent s adapt themselves using the baby plate and vacate their nourishment. And what causes the need to change the plate and when. The infection incidence and home care. This study takes 76 panents with less than 3 months of age which presented uni or bilateral cleft lzp and palate or cleft palate; an impression is taken of the palate and a plate is constructed. The patient dental history registers several parameters. Early maxillary orthopedics has to be started during the first week after birth and has to be an importantpart of the multidisciplinary treatments. It is necessary to evaluate changes in growth and development related with the early maxillary treatment.

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How to Cite

Valencia-R., C., Mendez-G., O. L., López-P., A. M., Jurado-E., J., & Arroyave-S., B. (2016). Estudio retrospectivo de hallazgos clínicos en niños con paladar fisurado luego de utilizar un obturador palatino como tratamiento temprano. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 8(2), 52–61.