Eliminación de tractos sinuosos dentoalveolares persistentes usando colgajos periósticos pediculados: reporte de 5 casos
Periosteum, Periradicular surgery, Dentoalveolar sinus tract, Surgical flapAbstract
This article demonstrates the usefulness of the periosteum pedicular flaps as a source of osteoprogenitor cells for regeneration of the periapical tissues in periradicular surgery. A preliminary report is presented about five patients with suppurative chronic apical periodontitis, resistant to the endodontic and/or surgical treatment, and with persistent dentoalveolar sinus tracts; they were evaluated clinically and radiographically right before the surgery and then each week and month after the operation. All patients were treated utilizing- partial thickness flaps and lateral displacement of the periosteum in order to close communication between the oral and the periapical surroundings. In all cases were achieved a complete remission of the clinic signs and symptoms, and a satisfactory radiographic cicatrization in minor time. The results of this study indicate that the surgical technique presented provides a higher flexibility in the treatment of persistent perirradicular lesions associated to dentoalveolar sinus tracts, since it assures more predictible results.
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