Gingivitis and associated factors in preschoolers from community homes in Valle del Cauca




Gingivitis, Oral higiene, Dental brushing, Child development, Oral health, Dental plaque index


Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of gingivitis and associated factors in preschoolers from community homes in 6 municipalities of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Methods: analytical transverse study in 982 children from 11 community homes selected by simple random sampling; the presence of gingivitis and the community bacterial plaque index (CBP) were recorded. Results: a gingivitis prevalence of 30.8% and a bacterial plaque index of 41.3% (CI95% 40.4-42.5) were found. A plaque level of 2.2% was considered acceptable. The highest prevalence of gingivitis was related to the Afro-descendant population, preschoolers’ poor oral hygiene, and poor oral health knowledge among the mothers from evaluated community homes. Conclusions: A high prevalence of gingivitis was found in connection to high levels of bacterial plaque and the presence of caries, reflecting the health services’ poor response to preschoolers’ oral problems.

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Author Biographies

Jairo Corchuelo-Ojeda, Universidad del Valle

DDM, PhD in Public Health Sciences. Professor, Universidad del Valle School of Dentistry. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Dental Sciences

Libia Soto-Llanos, Universidad del Valle

DDM. Pediatric Dentist. Master’s Degree in Administration. Professor, Universidad del Valle School of Dentistry


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How to Cite

Corchuelo-Ojeda, J., & Soto-Llanos, L. (2018). Gingivitis and associated factors in preschoolers from community homes in Valle del Cauca. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 29(2), 297–310.