Excision of a traumatic fibroma with diode laser in a pediatric patient: case report
Diode laser, Fibroma, Reactive hyperplasia, ChromophoresAbstract
Fibroma is currently considered the most common reactive hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue in response to local trauma in the oral cavity. This case deals with the excision of a traumatic fibroma using diode laser (Epic X, wavelength of 940nm, continuous mode, 5W power), whose energy is absorbed by hemoglobin and melanin (chromophores) and is indicated in soft tissue surgeries, favoring coagulation. The results are consistent with the benefits demonstrated in the scientific literature: better visibility in the surgical act due to achieved hemostasis, excellent postoperative phase due to the absence of pain and inflammation, with no need for analgesic medication, no use of sutures, no scarring and no recurrence. It is a safe and fast procedure that also allows performing a histopathological study without altering the tissues to be examined. In the case presented here, the histopathological study confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of fibroma.
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