Mechanical and non-mechanical orthodontic procedures in relapse and retention: scoping review




Orthodontics, Literature review as topic, Orthodontic appliances, Orthodontic retainers


Introduction: stability after orthodontic treatment is an important goal for orthodontists. This issue has been highly important in orthodontics, so its progress and content require constant analysis. Methods: a panoramic and analytical review of citations and keywords from Web of Science helped create a body of information on the current advances in research on this field. Results: several fields of research arise from the analysis, dealing with surgery as an approach, molecular concepts, orthodontists’ experiences in profesional practice, and the use of lasers and other applications. Conclusions: information on relapse and retention within orthodontics is still valid and requires further research on current issues to understand this complex phenomenon for both academia and clinical use.

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Jaimes-Monroy, Universidad Antonio Nariño

MSc in Biochemistry, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Professor-Researcher, School of Dentistry, Universidad Antonio Nariño

María Teresa Jiménez-Albarracín, Universidad Antonio Nariño

DDS. Student of the Specialization in Orthodontics, Universidad Antonio Nariño.

Edwin Alfredo Manga-Escorcia, Universidad Antonio Nariño

DDS. Student of the Specialization in Orthodontics, Universidad Antonio Nariño.

Libia Adriana Montero-Hincapié, Universidad Antonio Nariño

DDS. Student of the Specialization in Orthodontics, Universidad Antonio Nariño.

Ernesto José Portela-Suárez, Universidad Antonio Nariño

DDS. Student of the Specialization in Orthodontics, Universidad Antonio Nariño.

María Carolina Longlax-Triana, Universidad Antonio Nariño

Orthodontist, Universidad El Bosque. Head of the Graduate Program in Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Universidad Antonio Nariño.


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How to Cite

Jaimes-Monroy, G., Jiménez-Albarracín, M. T., Manga-Escorcia, E. A. ., Montero-Hincapié, L. A. ., Portela-Suárez, E. J., & Longlax-Triana, M. C. (2020). Mechanical and non-mechanical orthodontic procedures in relapse and retention: scoping review. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 32(2), 82–96.

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