Historical and cultural variations of teeth aesthetics





Color perception, Dental esthetics, Tooth bleaching, History of dentistry


Dental aesthetics is a topic of wide relevance in current dentistry, both in dental education and in private practice. When people express that they want a beautiful smile, both dentists and patients think of whitening tooth color. What is the reason for this tacit agreement? Some might argue that a healthy smile is naturally whiter, but we know that physiological functionality is not always associated with socially determined aesthetics. Furthermore, some aesthetics procedures might involve body modifications that are not necessarily natural nor healthy. The aim of this review is to to provide elements of discussion about historical and cultural aspects related to the positioning of tooth color as an important part of an aesthetic ideal. To argue that the desire for whiter teeth resides in cultural influences. To invite reflection if "white teeth" should be equated with "healthy teeth", with the consequences this assumption would imply in our professional field.

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Author Biographies

Enrique Alberto Fernandez-Montecinos, Universidad San Sebastián

DDS. en Rehabilitación Oral. MA. en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile. MSc. en Educación Universitaria para Ciencias de la Salud. Docente, Clínica Integrada del Adulto y Posgrado Especialidad de Rehabilitación Oral. Facultad de Odontología, Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Santiago, Chile.

Paula Andrea Padilla-Alvear, Universidad San Sebastián

DDS. en Rehabilitación Oral. MSc. en Educación Universitaria para Ciencias de la Salud. Docente, Clínica Integrada del Adulto. Facultad de Odontología, Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Santiago, Chile.


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How to Cite

Fernandez-Montecinos, E. A., & Padilla-Alvear, P. A. (2022). Historical and cultural variations of teeth aesthetics. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 33(2), 64–74. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.v33n2a10