Cirugía de elevación del piso de seno maxilar. I. Consideraciones básicas generales


  • José N. Radi-L. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Fabio Becerra-S. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Norman Otálvaro-R. Universidad de Antioquia



Maxillary sinus, Dental implants, Embryology, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology


The objective of this first article is to describe the growth and development of the maxillary sinus and the basic considerations about its anatomy: the base (medial wall), the apex and the four sides: anterior (facial portion), postero-lateral (Maxillary tuberosity), and the floor with lymphatic drainage, blood and nerve supply. The function of the maxillary sinus is not well understood. However, it shares biologic functions with the nose. These functions consist in humidifying and warming the inspired air, permit the resonance of the voice, produce and store mucus and serves as an accessory of the olfactory organ. The question of whether the maxillary sinus is sterile or has normal bacterial flora has been controversial, although some authors say that it is normally sterile and it is not even colonized by resident normal flora. The anatomic, physiologic and microbiologic considerations of the maxillary sinus are important for understanding the effects of surgical interventions related to bone graft and maxillary sinus floor lifting. Future articles will describe the clinical examination as well as the diagnostic imaging of the maxillary sinus, the surgical technique in maxillary sinus floor lifting, and also the results of the experience with this surgical procedure.

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How to Cite

Radi-L., J. N., Becerra-S., F., & Otálvaro-R., N. (2020). Cirugía de elevación del piso de seno maxilar. I. Consideraciones básicas generales. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 14(1), 84–91.

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