Hematological, parasitological and biochemical parameters in sheep during the peripartum period


  • Caroline M. G. David Institute of Zootechnics
  • Ricardo L. D. Costa Institute of Zootechnics
  • Guadalupe A. E. Parren Institute of Zootechnics
  • Miguel A. S. Rua Institute of Zootechnics
  • Ellen C. P. Nordi Institute of Zootechnics
  • Claudia C. P. Paz Institute of Zootechnics
  • Celia R. Quirino State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro Darcy Ribeiro
  • Rogério S. Figueiredo University of Santo Amaro
  • Elizabeth Bohland University of Santo Amaro




ewes, gestation, Haemonchus contortus, hematology, laboratory diagnosis, nematodes, Ovis aries, parasites, peripartum, Santa Ines, sheep


Background: Pregnancy in all animal species requires special care and attention. During this period there is great variation in hematological and biochemical parameters. Many times these parameters are misinterpreted as being obtained from nonpregnant animals with unknown parasite status. Objective: To characterize the hematological, biochemical, and parasitological values within the peripartum period of Santa Ines sheep naturally infected. Methods: For this purpose, 45 ewes were used, with an average body weight of 50 kg. Data were collected during pregnancy, birth and, lactation. Measurements included body weight, body condition score (BCS), evaluation of conjunctive staining, and collection of blood and feces. Results: All variables changed throughout physiological stages. Weight and BCS were different between periods (p<0.05). Fecal egg counts (FEC) were higher in the peripartum period, with a predominance of Haemonchus ssp, 92.85%. Mean hematological and biochemical values varied throughout the study, (p>0.05). Conclusion: The influence of peripartum on the parameters studied should be considered and its use as a reference value. Regarding the physiological variations observed during peripartum, proper animal management could help minimizing the negative effects of parasitic infections on productivity.

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Author Biographies

Caroline M. G. David, Institute of Zootechnics

Center for Research and Development in Diversified Animal Science, Institute of Zootechnics, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brazil.

Ricardo L. D. Costa, Institute of Zootechnics

Center for Research and Development in Diversified Animal Science, Institute of Zootechnics, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brazil.

Guadalupe A. E. Parren, Institute of Zootechnics

Center for Research and Development in Diversified Animal Science, Institute of Zootechnics, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brazil.

Miguel A. S. Rua, Institute of Zootechnics

Center for Research and Development in Diversified Animal Science, Institute of Zootechnics, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brazil.

Ellen C. P. Nordi, Institute of Zootechnics

Center for Research and Development in Diversified Animal Science, Institute of Zootechnics, Nova Odessa, São Paulo, Brazil.

Claudia C. P. Paz, Institute of Zootechnics

APTA Beef Cattle Center, Institute of Zootechnics, Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brazil. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Productivity Fellowship.

Celia R. Quirino, State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro Darcy Ribeiro

State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro Darcy Ribeiro (UENF), Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Productivity Fellowship.

Rogério S. Figueiredo, University of Santo Amaro

University of Santo Amaro (UNISA), São Paulo, Brazil. UNISA Fellowhip.

Elizabeth Bohland, University of Santo Amaro

University of  Santo Amaro (UNISA), São Paulo, Brazil. UNISA Fellowhip.


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How to Cite

David, C. M. G., Costa, R. L. D., Parren, G. A. E., Rua, M. A. S., Nordi, E. C. P., Paz, C. C. P., Quirino, C. R., Figueiredo, R. S., & Bohland, E. (2019). Hematological, parasitological and biochemical parameters in sheep during the peripartum period. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 33(2), 81–95. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v33n1a04



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