Vol. 32 No. 1 (2019): January - March 2019
Proceso editorial (Octava entrega): Responsabilidades de los autores (2da. parte)
|Abstract = 167 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF = 55 veces|
Original research articles
Fishmeal substitution for Arthrospira platensis in juvenile mullet (Mugil liza) and its effects on growth and non-specific immune parameters
|Abstract = 411 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 303 veces| -
Influence of genetic markers on the feeding behavior of yearling bulls
|Abstract = 261 veces | PDF = 209 veces| | HTML = 0 veces| -
Effects of genetic group, pregnancy and age on carcass traits, meat quality and fatty acid profile in female sheep
|Abstract = 291 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 226 veces| -
Efficiency of transgene expression in bovine cells varies according to cell type and gene transfer method
|Abstract = 409 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 286 veces| -
Pregnancy and delivery rates after vitrification of in vitro-produced Nelore (Bos indicus) embryos under field conditions
|Abstract = 274 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 240 veces| -
Inclusion of discarded banana in sugarcane silage decreases dry matter losses and improves its nutritional value
|Abstract = 351 veces | PDF = 204 veces| | HTML = 0 veces|
Short communications
Genetic parameters and trends for litter size in Markhoz goats
|Abstract = 418 veces | HTML = 0 veces| | PDF = 265 veces| -
Silage from heart-of-palm waste produced from Alexander palm tree
|Abstract = 288 veces | PDF = 234 veces| | HTML = 0 veces|