Inclusion of kaolin in the feed of Japanese quails during the production phase


  • Daniele Santos-de-Souza São Paulo State University
  • Lígia Fátima Lima-Calixto Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Marina Jorge-de-Lemos Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Túlio Leite-Reis Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Carlos Augusto Oliveira Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Édson José Fassani Federal University of Lavras
  • Maria Clara do-Coutto-Prado-Valladares Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Felipe Dilelis de Resende Sousa Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro



clay, Coturnix coturnix japonica, egg quality, feed additive, nutrition, nutrient absorption, intestinal morphology, intestinal villi, Japanese quail, kaolin, performance


Background: Kaolin may improve quail performance by maintaining intestinal integrity and improving nutrient absorption. Objective: To evaluate the overall performance, egg quality, moisture, nitrogen and calcium content in the excreta, intestinal morphology and financial analysis of kaolin in Japanese quail feed during the production phase. Methods: A total of 192 Japanese quails, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six repetitions with eight birds each, were used. Kaolin levels added to the diet were 0, 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5%. Results: Kaolin reduced feed consumption. Additionally, egg production, feed conversion and viability increased. Moisture, nitrogen and calcium in the excreta decreased. Height and width of the intestinal villi increased with increasing levels of kaolin in the diet. Kaolin had no effect on egg quality. Inclusion level of 1.5% kaolin allowed for greater economic gains. Conclusion: Kaolin improved performance, intestinal morphology, and reduced the moisture, nitrogen and calcium contents in the excreta. Egg quality remained unchanged with the addition of kaolin, and the best economic response resulted with the addition 1.5% kaolin.



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Author Biographies

Daniele Santos-de-Souza, São Paulo State University

Animal Science, State University of São Paulo (UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil.

Lígia Fátima Lima-Calixto, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Department of Animal Production, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.

Marina Jorge-de-Lemos, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Department of Animal Production, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.

Túlio Leite-Reis, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Department of Animal Production, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.

Carlos Augusto Oliveira, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Department of Animal Reproduction and Evaluation, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.

Édson José Fassani, Federal University of Lavras

Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, Brazil.

Maria Clara do-Coutto-Prado-Valladares, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Animal Science, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.

Felipe Dilelis de Resende Sousa, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Bromatology Laboratory, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Santos-de-Souza, D., Lima-Calixto, L. F., Jorge-de-Lemos, M., Leite-Reis, T., Oliveira, C. A., Fassani, Édson J., do-Coutto-Prado-Valladares, M. C., & de Resende Sousa, F. D. (2019). Inclusion of kaolin in the feed of Japanese quails during the production phase. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 32(4), 274–284.



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