International law in the globalization context: conflicts and transformations


  • José Germán Burgos Silva Universidad Nacional



International Law, globalization, international difference, conflicts of the globalization


In this text is expected to fix how international law has been part of the answers of several types of associated or heighten conflicts, by the way to the globalization. In that order, first we will study what is conflict or international difference in international law and how this is used to limit what conflicts of globalization can be tried by international law. In the second part, we will identify the mechanism that the international law has predicted to resolves the conflicts. Finally, we will propose some hypothesis about how the impact of the globalization has changed the configuration of some instances of international law.

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Author Biography

José Germán Burgos Silva, Universidad Nacional

Phd, professor at the National University of Colombia


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How to Cite

Burgos Silva, J. G. (2011). International law in the globalization context: conflicts and transformations. Estudios De Derecho, 68(152), 13–30.