The construction of Medellin city since informal hillsides. Tensions, relations and liminalities at the contemporary city


  • Tania Helena Gómez Alarcón Universidad de Antioquia
  • Erika Andrea Ramírez Jiménez Universidad de Antioquia



community regularization, informal city, formal city, outskirts neighborhoods of Medellin


This article analyzes the relations between community and State, their tensions, resistances and challenges when imagining and constructing the city, through of the analysis of categories that mainstream this relation, for example: the antagonism between capitalism and democracy, the crisis of the social contract and the dichotomy between formal and informal city. It relates how the outskirts habitants construct other alternate symbols, creating a new model of citizenship and social contract. Legal sociology is a compass that was used in the study of the construction of city; the methodology used is the ethnographic investigation, that looks for understand the legal, politics and territorial relations existing in the communities of the informal neighborhoods that construct city since a parallel order to the State. The toolbox is the direct observation and the interviews made to the population of the Picachito and El Salado neighborhoods, in 6 and 13 communes at Medellin city – Colombia

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Author Biographies

Tania Helena Gómez Alarcón, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science

Erika Andrea Ramírez Jiménez, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science


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How to Cite

Gómez Alarcón, T. H., & Ramírez Jiménez, E. A. (2011). The construction of Medellin city since informal hillsides. Tensions, relations and liminalities at the contemporary city. Estudios De Derecho, 68(152), 329–345.